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26 Ways to Become Environmentally Friendly and Start Living A Green Life

Here are 26 ways to become environmentally friendly. When we wish to save our planet we do not always require heavy equipment and master plans, simple and easy steps in our day-to-day life can make changes. Do you have true concerns for nature and want to protect it? If your answer is yes then you are in the right place. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. Become Environmentally Friendly

become environmentally friendly

How to Become Environmentally Friendly

1) RRR (Reduce, reuse, recycle)

Don’t just throw away things after their first use. By reducing, reusing, and recycling we can manage waste and can limit the human carbon footprint on the earth. Nondegradable substances will remain on earth for a very long time. Glass has been found in perfect condition after 4000 years on the earth! When things become waste after their first use, it is becoming a burden for the earth.

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We can give these things a second life, sometimes, even a third life. Studies show that 2.12 billion tons of items are thrown away every year and 99% of the materials we buy are trashed within 6 months. So think before you throw away something otherwise the earth will slowly become a massive waste bin.

2) Invest in reusable water bottle

Sure stuff in the wastes that torture the planet is the water bottles. Mainly, the bottles made of single-use plastic. We cannot live without water, so there is no other option other than a water bottle, to carry water. But, the problem arises when we buy each bottle each day and just throw it away. Plastic water bottles can take up to 1000 years to decompose and are also highly dangerous to wildlife.

According to Global Citizen, single-use plastic water bottles contribute to the death of more than one million animals and sea birds every year. The world’s population consumes 1 million plastic bottles every minute. Only about 1 in 5 single-use plastic water bottles are recycled. The first and foremost solution for this issue is to stop buying plastic water bottles. Using reusable water bottles mainly made up of stainless steel is safe and contributes little to environmental problems.

3) Carpool

Harmful gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and other matters are the emissions from automobile engines. This slowly kills the environment spreading dark fumes of undesirable substances. But, we, people of the modern era cannot imagine a world without vehicles. Still, we can do something to help the environment. Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car.

This helps to limit the number of vehicles on road and also boosts human relationships. Avoiding private vehicles and traveling in public transports can also do the same favor to the environment. More vehicles on road equal more harmful things to the planet. So try to limit using private vehicles and walk to nearby destinations which can shed some unwanted extra pounds too!

4) Go vegan

Being a vegetarian can help the environment. Yes, avoiding meat and dairy products from your diet can reduce your carbon footprint from food up to 73%. Each day a person who eats a vegan diet saves 1100 gallons of water, 45 lbs of grain, 30sqft of forests, 20lbs of carbon dioxide, and the life of one animal. Also, it reduces ocean plastic because fishing contributes to a high percentage of ocean plastic, land clearing, reduces water wastage.

Just think of the impact a human diet can make on the environment. If you cannot become a vegetarian then try to reduce meat and dairy consumption, because something is better than nothing!

5) Start composting

Composting is the process by which decayed organic materials are used as fertilizer for growing plants. Thus, we can reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous chemical fertilizers by recycling kitchen waste. By composting waste foods, the emission of methane, a greenhouse gas, can be limited. Composting boosts the growth of plants and ensures higher yield, without the touch of chemicals. Natural waste can thus be converted into natural food! At the same time controls soil, water, and air pollution and reduces landfill waste.

6) Turn off lights for a brighter future

Turning off the light when you leave the area will save a lot of energy. Switching off lights can save energy and money at the same time. It also contributes towards the long life of the bulb and makes houses or institutions more energy efficient.

There will be a large number of bulbs in institutions, but if each person gets ready to turn off the light when they leave the room energy can be saved. This will give us a reduced electricity bill, so a small deed on our part can help us to save money. The problem is not so serious if you are using electricity produced from a renewable source of energy. But, while using a nonrenewable energy source leaving the light on unnecessary causes troubles to the environment.

7) Say no to fast fashion

As the term suggests it is something related to the fashion industry. The term indicates mass production of cloth at a low cost imitating high fashion designs. This is a highly profitable business but not a profit for the environment. This results in the degradation of nonrenewable sources, the emission of greenhouse gases, and require of the huge amount of water. It can take up to nearly 200 tons of freshwater per ton of dyed fabric.

When garments are produced in large amounts untreated water filled with chemicals and toxic elements are produced. Often these are dumped directly into water bodies and lead to water pollution. For the production of 1kg cotton we need 20,000 liters of water, but the fashion industry itself contributes to water pollution and the main reason for this is fast fashion.

8) Paperless billing

Taking a great shift from paper billing to electronic billing can help environment. Nearly 4 billion trees are felled around the world for the paper industry every single year. Paperless billing is the best way to save trees around us.14% of deforestation is the result of paper production. When we cut trees and convert them into pulp large amount of carbon dioxide is released and contributes to global warming.

When we switch to electronic billing advantages are many. It ensures more security reducing the risk of mail fraud and lost statements. Also, paper billing is very difficult to handle and store. Paperless billing is more convenient; we can send or receive payment anytime anywhere. So, paperless billing is a better option which provides more oxygen and less global warming!

9) Be smart with smart meter

By using a smart meter you can manage energy more efficiently. To become environment friendly we should begin by saving and estimating energy from our home itself. Usually, we are unaware of the energy wastages happening inside our house. But, setting up a smart meter can solve the issue. Installation of a smart meter is so easy that 9 in 10 people with smart meters are satisfied with the installation process.

A smart meter displays the energy used efficiently so that we can control energy usages accordingly. Also, it shows corresponding money for energy usages. This really helps us to track the amount of money spend on energy needs. So, setting up a smart meter can reduce carbon footprints. 

10) Buy secondhand to save the planet 

As we listed above the 3Rs are necessary for sustainable living. When we buy things unnecessary the impact that produces on the planet is large. Buying secondhand stuff can limit the condition to an extent. Things like vehicles, toys, utensils, furniture, etc can be used as a secondhand item. It reduces pollution because for the formation of a new product a large number of resources is exploited which in turn causes pollution. Buying secondhand reduces water usage, transportation cost, waste, exploitation of natural resources, energy. 

11) Rechargeable batteries 

The rechargeable battery is a better choice when it comes to the environment. Remember when you use, a rechargeable battery over a single-use one you are doing an environment-friendly activity. Batteries are one of the most dangerous waste materials which are taken to landfills; these batteries release mercury, cadmium and lead to the soil thus killing the environment slowly through soil and water pollution. Using a rechargeable battery reduces pollution and good for the planet.

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12) Use LED 

LED stands for light-emitting diode. LED is basically free of toxins thus more friendly to the environment. The light is free of environmental issues caused by other traditional lightning-like fluorescent or mercury vapor lights. Low energy conception also makes LED lights a better choice. LED lights to possess a long life span which is also a boon, the average LED lasts for 50,000 operating hours to 100,000 operating hours or more. This is 40 times longer than the average incandescent bulb.

13) Low flow taps 

Water is a precious resource. Even if the earth is covered with water, the amount of clean and fresh water is so limited. Careless usage of water will eventually convert the planet into a dry desert. It is high time to act and save water. Let us start from our homes. Just think about the huge quantity of water wastage by simply turning on the pipes, especially while brushing. Sometimes, it is not practical to on and off the tape frequently to conserve water. A low-flow tap can control the situation. It mixes air into the water and gives an illusion of having more flow. When normal flow taps account for 15 to 18 liters per minute low flow taps use nearly 2 liters per minute. 

14) Cook at home

Can cook at home help the environment? Yes. Food prepared at home cause less impact on the environment when compared with restaurant foods. Usually, when we cook food at home more natural ingredients are added, wastage of food is limited and packaging can be avoided. But a restaurant thing is different. A huge amount of resources are needed, a large number of animals are slaughtered for a single meal, water usage for preparing and cleaning is high, transportation of goods is necessary which again causes pollution, the chemicals used usually destroy human health. Also, cooking at home can save money. 

15) EBooks 

Reading books helps to improve brain connectivity, stress reduction, fights depression, lowers blood pressure, and of course, improves knowledge. Reading causes no harm but publishing these books can. 15 billion trees are cut down each year in the world and a major part of this is used to make papers for books. Large books require more paper.

This increases carbon footprint, also burning of these books again cause environmental pollution. A vast amount of freshwater is also exploited in the process of making papers and dyes used in printing. EBooks are convenient no papers are needed here, we can read anything anytime anywhere.  

16) Make your own garden 

Gardening is a beautiful and peaceful process where we can enjoy the growth of each plant. The environmental benefits of growing a garden at home are many. It reduces pollution. Vegetables, fruits, and spices reach shop through vehicles that are running on fossil fuels. This emits harmful substances to surroundings leading to air pollution. When we have a garden, just some footsteps can bring them into your kitchen.

Usually, these food crops are cultivated in large areas and always require pesticides and fertilizers. This not only causes water pollution but also degrades the quality of the item and dangerous to health. But growing your own garden you are the one deciding what to produce and how to produce. Let us go green. 

17) Use residual heat effectively

It is difficult for a living being to survive without heat energy. At home, we use heat energy to cook.  To conserve heat energy at home cooking with residual heat is an excellent option. When we cook continuously don’t waste heat. Usually, when you use an electric stovetop or even, it is fine to turn it off before some minutes, residual heat will complete the job. Avoid opening oven window frequently; it may result in the wastage of residual heat. Thus, conserving energy while cooking meals helps to cut down bills too. 

18) Renewable Energy 

Nowadays, a high majority of the population is depending on fossil fuels to meet their day-to-day energy needs. Fossil fuels provide us energy but at the same time, their ill effects kill us. Fossil fuels emit dangerous and harmful particles to the environment which causes pollution and has detrimental effects on living beings. Also, we cannot depend on fossil fuels forever since they are limited in nature.

Renewable energy sources are unlimited pure energy sources. The solar energy, wind energy, energy from water are examples of renewable energy source which provides a pure and unlimited source of power. So, shifting to renewable energy sources can make great differences. 

19) Repair and repurpose 

Human beings are gifted with a valuable boon which is creativity. This particular trait differentiates us from other living creatures. So, we have the responsibility to make use of this creativity to the extreme. Applying human creativity to some unnecessary objects can convert them into gems. It can limit waste production and can save the environment from heaps of waste. Don’t throw away your broken mugs; just convert them to cute plant pots thus giving life to a plant and the broken mug. When you lost one sock don’t throw away the other one, just use creativity and convert it into a stress ball or use them to dust the house. 

20) Smart washing 

A huge amount of water goes unnecessary in the process of washing. Smart washing can limit the wasting of water to an extent. We know the importance of fresh water and the need to conserve it. We should not waste the only 0.5% available to us on earth due to our ignorance and mishandling. Collect the plates and glasses after the meals and wash them all together in a single go. This is better to avoid water loss caused in every single wash and is called smart washing. 

21) Plant trees

Trees are the oxygen zones of the earth. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases pure oxygen which sustains the life of each living cell on the planet. Without trees, the earth will be a mere dry dessert. The presence of trees is a sign of food, shelter, and protection not only for humans but also for birds and mammals.

But, agricultural expansion, wood harvest, infrastructure expansion for urbanization, and many other factors caused deforestation and trees started to disappear from the earth. 46% of the world’s forest is already destroyed. Studies show that one football field of forest lost every single second around the clock. So, plant more trees for a green future. ‘Trees give peace to the souls of men’- Nora Waln

22) Switch off 

Another simple way to become eco-friendly is to make sure that everything is switched off before leaving your house. Usually, people are so unaware of this and waste a huge amount of energy unnecessarily. Unplug all devices that have external power supplies. Turn off lights and fan. Also, unplug devices with LED displays because they will use power even when the device is not doing anything. This will help the conservation of energy and at the same time conservation of your money in the wallet. 

23) Old files at computer 

Important files have to be preserved. Usually, a heap of files is stored in offices and other institutions. But they are made of paper. A huge amount of trees are destroyed for making papers for these documents. Shifting to an electronic file system can solve the problem. It adds security, can save space at the office, very convenient, and no tension of wear and tear. We have to use paper with care so our trees don’t become rare. 

24) Bamboo toothbrushes

The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control advise replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. These toothbrushes are made of plastic. If an individual throws out a plastic toothbrush after 3 months, imagine the amount of plastic waste created by humans in a year only because of the toothbrush. But, we cannot stop using a toothbrush because to free of germs and bacteria entering our body we have to use a toothbrush and should replace them. 

Using toothbrushes made of bamboo can help. Bamboo toothbrushes are naturally antimicrobial. It matures in 3-6 years. It takes 60 days for bamboo to grow 60 feet. So, bamboo is the best option for our teeth and to reduce pollution. 

25) Buy local 

Going local can make big differences in the environment and in our lifestyle too. This is an opportunity to support our local economy. Instead of supporting national items, encouraging local business will help them and money will circulate within the local areas which further help the community to grow. We will get fresh and chemical-free stuff; this will control pollution and ensures better human health. Also, reduction in transportation controls the burning of fossil fuels and decreases your carbon footprint. 

26) Donate old clothes

Before throwing away better clothes let us remember people who do not have access to good clothing. Donating clothes to them is a kind deed. It is a blessing to both our soul and the environment. When you donate clothes, it is a second life for the material thus decreasing waste. Or, repurpose old clothes as kitchen rags, pillow covers, and so on. So, donating and repurposing clothes reduces waste and helps the environment to breathe better.

This article is written by Ashna George for New Physicist

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