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A Non Physicist’s Advice to Live a Purposeful Life

I’m not a Physicist. But I love to write stuff related to physics and make projects. It gives me a kind of satisfaction. Waking up every day and just lying on the bed and thinking about the things I’m going to do today makes me happy. One day I thought about it. What makes me really happy? Is this what life is? I did a research and the following is what I learned. I’m sharing it with you.

How to Live A meaningful Life?

purposeful life

What I’m going to tell you today is how to live a meaningful life. To make your life purposeful you have to make your days purposeful. If you’ve ever read anything about self-investment you may have already come across the term “priorities”.

It’s easy to get distracted in this busy world. Negative news in newspapers, funny or nonsense television programs, eye catching YouTube thumbnails, romantic advertisements.

It’s easy to get up from the bed and then slowly fall into the trap of modern pleasures. And when you realize it the day would be probably over. Have you ever felt what I’m talking about? Sure. You have. I know. Because I’m also one of you guys. It happens all the time.

The Time Left

Just think about it. An average person has a life span of around sixty years. And when s/he complete his education he would be probably 21 or 22 years old.

And around the half of the remaining most youthful twenty-five years, he would be sleeping or either doing routine things.

How many years to live, to really live? Only 12.5 years. Such a short period of time. That’s what we have to do the things we love, work, spending time with loved ones, travel.

Quote: People come to your life for a reason. When they are done, they leave.

New Physicist

Prioritize Your Day

So, what I’m coming to is the importance of priorities. You have to set priorities, one by one. Unless it’s easy to slip away.

Days will slip into months, months to years. And finally a life with regret that I didn’t live up to my potential, or I should have spend time with my love little more. Or I should’ve done things I love.

I guarantee you will not have to face any of this kind of regret. Because you chose to read this. You chose to listen to me. There is a spark of change inside of you now. Make it fire.

Here I’m sharing with you some tips to live a life without regret I learned along the way. I don’t claim ownership of any ideas in suggesting here.

Eat healthy foods

eat healthy foods

I’ve heard people say we can eat anything that doesn’t bite back. This not true. We are not allowed to eat anything that doesn’t bite back. According to Ayurveda, each body has a type. Some are allergic to something. Some cannot properly digest some foods.

Everyone is different and unique. To find out what type of body is yours. Here’s the link to find out what kind of body is yours and plan your diet.

Let me ask you. If you have a Lamborghini or any expensive car would you fill it with anything less than premium grade oil? Never. right?

Then why are you eating stuff that isn’t good for your health? May be for enjoyment or just time pass. But remember it’ll cost you few years out of your life. Eat well and On time.

Eating on regular time, with your loved ones, family, children will triple the nourishing effect of the food on your body. Turn your screens off. Focus on food.


yoga practice

I’ve heard people say I don’t have time to exercise. We all have 24 hrs a day. (nb: now scientists say that Earth is rotating faster so a day doesn’t have exactly 24 hrs).

But there are people like you who regularly exercise. They are able to arrange at least 15 minutes every day to do some kind of exercise.

You don’t need a Jim membership to start exercising. We can try dance, Running, yoga, swimming. Not long ago almost all the household activities were performed by human beings themselves. But now we have machines to do probably everything, yeah I literally mean it.

Exercising few minutes every day will help you to improve your cardiac health, immune system, and most importantly your emotional health. Start your Excercise routine with your loved one. It will give you great satisfaction.

Set Goals

st goals

I’m really impressed by this idea of goal setting. Personally I love it and have experiences with the the great feeling I felt when I achieve them. How ever small your goal is, it gives great satisfaction when you achieve them. For example.

  • Traveling with your kids and family
  • Hiking with your Loved one
  • Eating at your most favorite restaurant
  • Learning a new language
  • Reading and completing a book

Goals can be anything that gives satisfaction upon completion. Motivational speakers like Jim Rohn say that setting goals increase your chances of achieving them. And I believe him. I’m talking from my heart. Try. At least for me.

Love, Friends, Compassion

love and compassion

Love and compassion are two emotions that will help you alot with with your emotional health. I’m not a psychologist or some thing. I cannot talk much about this topic.

But, have you ever felt the feeling of playing with your innocent kids, pets, helping orphan people, holding the hands of your love? It’s an amazing feeling. Don’t ever miss such opportunities. I want your opinion on this topic. Comment your opinion and I’ll add them to this article by referring to your name.

Pursue your Passion For a Purposeful life

do what you love

It is the most celebrated phrace in the motivational industry. But not always followed or 100 percent practical to most people. Quitting the day job and Following their passion is much more easier today, especially in the current circumstances.

We have the technology, Electricity, and data connectivity. Three inventions that feed millions today. This blog is an example. That’s why I wish by heart that electricity, technology, and data should reach everybody on this planet. I love to see people live their passion-driven life..

Find out what is that one thing that love to do. Don’t say that I don’t have such a special talent. Everyone is unique and everyone has unique skills and talent. We have to unleash it. We’ve to distill out the hidden talent inside of ourselves through deliberate and thorough searching. Yes, I do believe. You have that special talent. It worths a lot. Keep acting on it. Always follow your heart.

I have this friend, whose WhatsApp about says: In a conflict between your heart and the brain, always follow your heart. (It Knows everything.)

Will Continue: Come back soon. Comment Ideas below.

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